e-interview: Jonathan Nelson, Hackers/Founders


Twitter: @iamelgringo
Linkedin: Jonathan Nelson

What do you do currently?
I’m the CEO and founder of Hackers / Founders.

How and when did you get involved with the Mexican entrepreneurial ecosystem?
I spoke for a couple of groups visiting Silicon Valley from Mexico a few years ago about Hackers / Founders.  The attendees took those ideas and ran with them.

How would you describe the ecosystem in Mexico?
One of the most exciting young startup ecosystems globally. There’s so many great business problems to be solved in Mexico, and Latin America it’s a greenfield market.

What do you expect in the next 12 months?
We expect to grow significantly on our community side (number and quality of events). And, we expect to add another 10 companies to our Founder’s Co-operative portfolio in Mexico.

What are the main challenges?
Access to capital from angel investors that understand how technology startups work. The best angel investors in Silicon Valley build portfolios of 50 to 100 startups over 10 years or so. And, when they do, they usually make a 25% to 40% return year over year.

Many angels in Mexico and Latin America do one or two investments, then get upset because they didn’t make any money. Startup investing only works when you build a portfolio of startup investments. There aren’t that many investors doing that in Mexico and Latin America yet which means that there’s a huge need for “smart money” that is, money from people that have built technology companies, and know the ups and downs of how they work.

What change or result would bring the greatest benefits for the ecosystem?
A hand full of companies getting acquired for $5+ million dollars.  That would create a new generation of angel investors.

Describe your typical day
Wake up at 10:30 am. Meetings start at 11 am. And, I spend time talking with our startup founders, investors or other possible partners until 10pm. I then rest. Read. I do email until 3 am. Start over again. I do about 30 meetings with people every week.

Who is your favorite entrepreneur?
Global: Adam Rifkin. He’s worked his ass off for 15 years.  He’s a bare knuckle boxer in the startup world.

Nestor De Haro, founder of Rigs.mx.

A recent book do you recommend?
Niall Ferguson’s Ascent of Money:  a financial history of the world.

Smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop?
LG V10. Microsoft Surface book. I have a dock that connects to 3 large screen monitors at my desk so I can have a proper battle station.

iOS or Android?

Favorite App?
Dashlane password manager is gods gift to humanity.

Favorite social network?
I kick it old school with email. Whatsapp and Signal PM.

Ideal vacation?
Wandering an old city and getting lost while exploring new restaurants, cafes, book stores, art galleries and museums.

What are your goals for the next 12 months?
I’m building a mutual fund that lets individuals invest $50 a month into a fund that invests into 200+ startups. If I can do this and not get into legal problems with the SEC, we change the world’s economy in 10 to 20 years.

One word that describes you?

 Previous interview: Cindy Banco Ochoa
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